WATCH: Geert Wilders Warns of Liberal Tyranny as Prosecutor Prepares to Punish Him For Immigrant Remarks

Geert Wilders, leader of the Party for Freedom (PVV), has said that the outcome of his “hate speech” trial could show signs of tyranny forming in the Dutch establishment.

The trial of Geert Wilders is close to reaching a conclusion and it appears the populist Dutch politician may be facing a €5,000 fine for remarks he made about Moroccans in the Netherlands at a speech in 2014.

In a video released on YouTube Thursday, he railed against the establishment claiming that the request by the prosecutor to fine him was showing a slide into tyranny by the Dutch establishment and their war on freedom of speech.

“Speaking about one of the biggest problems in our country, the problem with Moroccans, is now punishable according to the elite,” he said adding, “we are slowly but surely losing our freedom of speech.” Read the rest

Pembaca bebas memakai artikel sejauh tidak merubah tulisan aslinya dan menyertakan link situsnya. Hargailah karya cipta orang lain. Terima kasih, The Camel Speaks Out / Unta Angkat Bicara

Posted on 19/11/2016, in Anti Free Speech, Benua Eropa and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Tinggalkan komentar.

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