Category Archives: Liberal Watch

Apakah George Soros dibelakang Perang atas Hydroxychloroquine? Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz

Tidak seorang pun sanggup mengabdi kepada dua tuan, karena dia akan mebenci yang satu dan mengasihi yang lain, atau ia akan mematuhi yang satu dan mengabaikan yang lian.
Kamu tidak dapat mengabdi kepada Elohim dan Mamon. (Matius 6:24)

George Soros, pemimpin dan pendiri Open Society Fondation Juni 2017

George Soros, Founder and Chairman of the Open Society Foundation gives a speech during Economic Forum in Brussels, Belgium on June 1, 2017 (courtesy: Shutterstock)

Ini versi singkat. Harap lihat aslinya + berisi banyak referensi (links):  Is Soros Behind the War on Hydroxychloroquine? Artikel ini boleh diperbanyak dan di kirim ulang tanpa perlu ijin dari saya, cukup sertakan linknya. Terima kasih.

Meskipun banyak nyawa yang dipertaruhkan, respon terhadap pandemi virus corona telah sangat terpolitisasi. Sedikit penelitian ke dalam elemen terpisah menunjukkan beberapa koneksi yang mengganggu, menunjukkan perang media melawan hydroxychloroquine kemungkinan ada didukung oleh beberapa kekuatan jahat.

Perjalanan Waktu Remdesivir lawan Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)
19 Maret, Presiden Trump mengumumkan bahwa FDA akanlah membuat persetujuan jalur-cepat tentang pengobatan-pengoban virus corona yang tidak terbukti, termasuk hydroxychloroquine. Dua bulan kemudian, setelah banyak perdebatan sengit dan perang media atas obat tersebut, Trump mengumumkan bahwa ia mengambil hydroxychloroquine sebagai profilaksis (pencegahan penyakit). [HCQ adalah obat yang dikenal umum, obat pencegahan dan pengobatan untuk penyakit Malaria]. HCQ diakui oleh banyak dokter bisa dipakai sebagai obat COVID-19 tingkat dini. HCQ harus dibeli dan dipakai seijin dokter]

Film DOKUMENTASI melacak sumber virus corona Wuhan / ‘CCP Virus’

Satu minggu setelah klaim hydroxychloroquine Trump tersebut. the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) mengeluarkan sebuah Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) untuk pemakaian akut obat Remdesivir bagi perawatan para pasien COVID-19. Remdesivir saat ini ada dalam pengetesan sebagai satu-satunya perawatan khusus bagi COVID-19, dan telah diberi kuasa untuk pemakaian akut di AS dan disetujui dipakai di Jepang bagi orang-orang dengan simpton-simpton yang berat.

Remdesivir awalnya dibuat dan dikembangkan oleh Gilead Sciences pada 2009. Awalnya dimaksudkan sebagai pengobatan untuk Hepatitis C, tidak berhasil. Pada Januari 2020, Gilead memulai pengujian laboratorium Remdesivir untuk mengobati COVID-19.

Pada tanggal 21 Januari, Wuhan Institute of Virology dipakai sebagai “pemakaian patent” Cina, untuk mengobati COVID19. Pada saat itu, tidak ada penelitian yang diterbitkan menunjukkan bahwa Remdesivir ini efektif. Meskipun demikian, obat ini sudah dikerahkan untuk uji klinis di Wuhan dan di tempat lain di Cina.

REMDESIVIR: Milik China atau Amerika?
WUXI Pharmatech dibentuk dari kombinasi Chinese WuXi PharmaTech dan American AppTec Laboratory Services, yang berpusat di Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and Georgia.

Chinese Government VS Chinese People + World Communities

Sejumlah dokumen dari Securities and Exchange Commission di 2011 menunjukkan Soros Fund Management LLC telah menginvestasikan berat-besaran ke WUXI Pharmatech Caymen, Inc., sebuah perusahaan farmasi dan bioteknologi.

[Ada sebuah film dokumentasi “Plandemic”, awal Mei 2020, dokter virologist Judy Mikovits membagikan apa yang ia tahu dan saksikan sekaitan bisnis COVID-19 ini, Dokter Dan Erickson serta Artin Massihi juga tampil; namun YouTube mencabut film ini setelah viral. Orang lain memuat kembali film ini. Point saya di sini, bukan masalah sebuah klaim (entah Dr. Mikovits benar atau salah), tetapi keterbukaan dan kebebasan berpendapat. Mensensor pendapat bukanlah kemajuan berpikir dan hidup, tetapi awal dari kehancuran hidup manusia. Judy dan Kent Heckenlively JD menerbitkan bukunya April 2020: Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science (Children’s Health Defense)]

Pada 2012, WuXi AppTec membuka pusat penelitian dan pengembangan di Wuhan. Pada 2015, Wuxi bekerja sama dengan Gilead Sciences dalam mendirikan sebuah fasilitas pengujian analitis dan stabilitas di Shanghai.

WuXi AppTec beroperasi di 15 tempat di seluruh AS, Eropa, dan Timur Tengah. Satu tahun sebelum Soros menginvestasi dalam perusahaan ini, mereka mengumumkan rencana untuk membangun sebuah pusat penelitian dan pengembangan bernilai $100.000.000 di Wuhan. Pusat ini dibuka satu tahun setelah investasi Soros, laboratorium Wuhan dibuka.

Bulan lalu, Washington Free Beacon melapor bahwa Priorities USA Action, yakni PAC terbesarnya Partai Demokrat (USA), akan menyalurkan puluhan juta dollar untuk iklan-iklan mengeritik Trump bagi respon dia atas pandemic virus corona tersebut. Menurut laporan itu, Priorities USA ACTION menerima 3 juta $ dalam kontribusi dari organisasi politik milik Soros pada 21 Pebuari. Laporan berkata bulan lalu PAC telah menerima 77% dari 3,9 juta $ dari Soros.

Dana politik (Partai) Demokrasi lainnya terkait dengan Jurubicara Gedung Putih Nancy Pelosi, mantan Menteri Luar Negeri Hillary Clinton, dan calon Presiden Partai Demokrat Joe Biden adalah satu kamp, menginvestasi besar-besaran dalam mempolitisasikan pandemi ini.

Tucker: Big Tech censors dissent over coronavirus lockdowns ( > 4,1 millions views)

Obat apapun belumlah diuji adanya perbedaan yang berarti di antara mereka. Remdesivir, patentnya dimiliki oleh Gilead, diperkirakan akan mengenakan biaya antara 390-4.000 $ untuk pemakaian penuh obatnya.
Hydroxychloroquine telah disetujui untuk pemakaian pengobatan di Amerika Serikat sejak tahun 1955 dan tidak memiliki hak patent. Harganya sekitar 60 sent $ per tabet.

Pembaca bebas memakai artikel sejauh tidak merubah tulisan aslinya dan menyertakan link situsnya. Hargailah karya cipta orang lain.
Terima kasih, The Camel Speaks Out / Unta Angkat Bicara






Why “Islamophobia” Is a Brilliant Term; Dennis Prager

I gain understanding from Your precepts; therefore I hate every false way. Your Word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path. (Psalms 119:104-105)


What do anti-Semitism, racism and Islamophobia have in common? In fact, nothing.

But according to Islamist groups, Western media and the United Nations, they have everything in common. Anti-Semites hate all Jews, racists hate all members of another race, and Islamophobia hates all Muslims.

The equation of Islamophobia with racism is particularly dishonest. Muslims come in every racial group, and Islam has nothing to do with race. Dannis Prager

Whoever coined the term “Islamophobia” was quite shrewd. Notice the intellectual sleight of hand here. The term is not “Muslim-phobia” or “anti-Muslimist,” it is Islam-ophobia — fear of Islam — yet fear of Islam is in no way the same as hatred of all Muslims. One can rightly or wrongly fear Islam, or more usually, aspects of Islam, and have absolutely no bias against all Muslims, let alone be a racist.

Christopher Hitchens – On Paula Zahn discussing ‘Islamophobia’ [2007]

The equation of Islamophobia with racism is particularly dishonest. Muslims come in every racial group, and Islam has nothing to do with race. Nevertheless, mainstream Western media, Islamist groups calling themselves Muslim civil liberties groups and various Western organizations repeatedly declare that Islamophobia is racism.

To cite three of innumerable examples: The Guardian published an opinion piece titled, “Islamophobia should be as unacceptable as racism”; the European Union has established the European Monitoring Center for Racism and Xenophobia; and the B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission of Australia notes that “Muslims have also been the target of racism in Australia, often referred to as Islamophobia.”

Even granting that there are people who fear Islam, how does that in any way correlate with racism? If fear of an ideology rendered one racist, all those who fear conservatism or liberalism should be considered racist.

Of course, some may argue that whereas conservatism and liberalism are ideas, Islam is a religion, and while one can attack ideas, one must not attack religions. It is, however, quite insulting to religions to deny that they are ideas. Religions are certainly more than ideas — they are theological belief systems — but they are also ideas about how society should be run just as much as liberalism and conservatism are. Therefore, Islam, or Christianity, or Judaism, or Buddhism should be just as subject to criticism as conservatism or liberalism.

Religions are certainly more than ideas — they are theological belief systems — but they are also ideas about how society should be run just as much as liberalism and conservatism are. Therefore, Islam, or Christianity, or Judaism, or Buddhism should be just as subject to criticism as conservatism or liberalism.

However, the only religion the West permits criticism of is Christianity. People write books, give lectures and conduct seminars on the falsity of Christian claims, or on the immoral record of Christianity, and no one attacks them for racism or bigotry, let alone attacks them physically. The head of the Anti-Defamation League announces that conservative Christians are the greatest threat to America today, and no one charges him with racism or Christianophobia.

The statement may be an expression of hysteria and of ignorance, but not of racism. But if one says that Islam does not appear compatible with democracy or that the Islamic treatment of women is inferior to the West’s, he or she is labeled a racist Islamophobe.

One might counter that maligning people for criticism is not only true of those who criticize Islam, it is also true of critics of Israel and of America — the former, it is said, are immediately labeled “anti-Semitic” and the latter are immediately labeled “unpatriotic.” Neither is true at all. Both are, and I use this word rarely, lies.

No one is labeled anti-Semitic for merely criticizing Israel. People are labeled anti-Semitic for denying Israel’s right to exist, for siding with those who wish to exterminate it or for singling out the Jewish state alone among all the nations of the world for attacks that most other countries deserve far more.

And no one in any responsible capacity has called anyone “unpatriotic” just for criticizing America. Sen. Hillary Clinton claimed during the last Democratic presidential debate that the Defense Department called her “unpatriotic” for asking whether the Defense Department has a plan to withdraw American troops from Iraq. Yet the term “unpatriotic” was not only not used in the response to the senator, it was not even hinted at.

The fact remains that the term “Islamophobia” has one purpose — to suppress any criticism, legitimate or not, of Islam. And given the cowardice of the Western media, and the collusion of the left in banning any such criticism (while piling it on Christianity and Christians), it is working.

Latest proof: This past week a man in New York was charged with two felonies for what is being labeled the hate crime of putting a Koran in a toilet at Pace College. Not misdemeanors, mind you, felonies. Meanwhile, the man who put a crucifix in a jar of urine continues to have his artwork — “Piss Christ” — displayed at galleries and museums. A Koran in a toilet is a hate crime; a crucifix in pee is a work of art. Thanks in part to that brilliant term, “Islamophobia.”

Source: Why “Islamophobia” Is a Brilliant Term

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Terima kasih, The Camel Speaks Out / Unta Angkat Bicara

Dear NY Times, Iran’s People … are NOT Mourning the Terrorist!

For my arguments are without flaw; one who has perfect knowledge is with you.  (Job 36:4)

Erica Kasraie Iranian-American

Erica Kasraie

The death of Qassem Soleimani becomes a big news in the media. Aimee Herd, a blogger, clearly telling us how the Mainstream media (MSM) can not be trusted. Aimee is comparing NY Times’ report about Soleimani with other reports: Iranian human rights activist, Erica Kasraie, and Dan Andros, managing editor of Faithwire, he recently shared what he sow while on assignment reporting fro, Iraq in 2015.


Dear NY Times, Iran’s People Are Speaking Out On Soleimani’s Death and They Are NOT Mourning the Terrorist!

“Despite the American people’s disagreements with their president, #realDonaldTrump made many Iranians happy. MUCH MORE Iranians than they showed you mourning on news. #TnxPOTUS4Soleimani #IraniansDetestSoleimani”

Aimee Herd-Commentary  Two Cents Worth-Blog

Major Mideast events happened this week, as President Trump ordered a military strike that successfully took out notorious Iranian general, Qassem Soleimani—a man who has authored terrorist activities in many countries as well as his own. He is responsible for the killing of hundreds of Americans, in addition to the brutal killing and torture of scores of his own people.

The American news machine—with the exception of a few—continued the biased ‘fake news’ spin prevalent throughout western media, academia and political pundits, this time sinking to a new low by memorializing the terrorist.

Shockingly, a New York Times reporter had the audacity to compare ‘the mourning in Iran over the death of Qassem Soleimani to America’s reaction to the death of Martin Luther King Jr.’, according to a Free Beacon report.

But the PEOPLE of Iran have a much different story.

In a YouTube video currently making the social media rounds, Erica Kasraie, an Iranian-American woman who is also a human rights activist especially regarding the Middle East, explains it this way…

“I feel like we’re living in the Twilight Zone, guys. I’m completely outraged at this notion that the propaganda machine—that is the media—is glorifying Qassem Soleimani.  Do you people know that this man has not only the blood of Americans on his hands, but the blood of Iranians, Iraqis, Yemenis, Afghans? I mean, since when did we start mourning the death of a terrorist?!”

“… since when did we start mourning the death of a terrorist?!” Erica Kasraie to NY Times on the Qassem Soleimani’s death

Erica went on to note that she’d been attacked by people on the left for echoing the sentiment of her people.

“My people are happy,” she continued, “The people in Iran are happy that this man, who is responsible for the slaughter of so many people, is gone … Where was your outrage last month, when the [Iranian] regime slaughtered 1,600 kids for peaceful protest? Where’s your outrage for the thousands of political prisoners that are in Iran right now? … Here’s the deal … for the people on the ground; they don’t hate America. They don’t hate Donald Trump. In fact, there are a lot of trending hashtags right now from Iran on Twitter (saying) ‘Thank you Trump, thank you for (killing) Soleimani’, look for yourself…” (emphasised by me)

Indeed. I decided to take Erica up on that advice and did check out the Twitter hashtags coming from Iran for myself—she’s absolutely right.

Here are some examples from the hashtag #IraniansDetestSoleimani:

“To Americans who see this tweet: Iranian people are thankful to Trump for ordering Soleimani to be killed. Please do not defend the killer of the Iranian people and other Middle Eastern countries because of your disagreement with Trump. #IraniansDetestSoleimani”

“#Soleimani ordered his men to shoot directly at #IranProtests. The order was to shoot to kill so they aimed for heads & hearts. Over 1500 civilians including children died in order to protect the regime. Families had to pay huge sums to collect bodies. #IraniansDetestSoleimani”

“World should [k]now that Iranian people have no voice and Soleimani’s funeral is just a propaganda. Iran has 80 million population. 79million didn’t attend the ceremony because they don’t and won’t forget 1500 innocent protesters murdered by the regime. #IraniansDetestSoleimani”

“Despite the American people’s disagreements with their president, #realDonaldTrump made many Iranians happy. MUCH MORE Iranians than they showed you mourning on news. #TnxPOTUS4Soleimani #IraniansDetestSoleimani”

As if the voices of the people of Iran are not enough, Faithwire’s managing editor, Dan Andros recently shared his experience while on assignment reporting from Iraq in 2015. While there he encountered a family who had been tortured by Shia militias (under the direction of Soleimani).

Dan explained:
“I met the family … at an IDP camp outside of Erbil, Iraq. The father explained their desperate situation, homeless because of the latest ISIS reign of terror.
“His body was severely burned, his son lay silent on the cot in the tent. When we asked about these things, he explained how Iranian Shia militias had killed his wife, tortured him and his children, including his young boy. The militias, who would have been under the control of Qassem Soleimani, proceeded to drill holes in the boy’s legs as a means to further threaten the father.
“The boy stared silently at the ceiling, seemingly void of all emotion. Dad explained that he still has nightmares daily, and often soiled himself because of them.”

This is the brand of terror brought to so many at the hands of Qassem Soleimani.

It is an extreme affront to even remotely compare Soleimani to Martin Luther King Jr—they were complete opposites; as darkness is to light.
In fact, MLK said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

But Soleimani was darkness and hate personified.
At the closing of Erica’s video message, she said, “I’m probably going to lose a lot of friends for saying this, but… Thank you Mr. Trump for making a very hard decision, and for having the moral courage to do something that probably a lot of world leaders wouldn’t have had.”

Please be praying for the people of Iran, that their voices and desperate cries for freedom will be heard, and the oppressive and deadly Iranian regime will end for the good of their country.

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Terima kasih, The Camel Speaks Out / Unta Angkat Bicara

Fake News: Wilders Slams Foreign Criminals, Media Twists Words Into Attack on All Moroccans

by Virginia Hale19 Feb 2017

Mainstream media outlets in Britain such as the BBC and the Observer have falsely implied that poll-topping, populist firebrand Geert Wilders made an attack on all Moroccan migrants in the Netherlands when he blasted foreign criminals, in headlines on their websites.

“And that should change”, the Party for Freedom (PVV) figurehead said, emphasising that “not all are scum” as he attempted to take a stroll through a market.

But despite Wilders making clear his remarks referred only to Moroccans who “make the streets unsafe”, both the headline and first paragraph of the Observer’s report of the exchange make the claim that the would-be Prime Minister called all migrants from the North African country “scum”. Read more at here

Pembaca bebas memakai artikel sejauh tidak merubah tulisan aslinya dan menyertakan link situsnya. Hargailah karya cipta orang lain. Terima kasih, The Camel Speaks Out / Unta Angkat Bicara

USA’s Black Pastors: Jeff Sessions Isn’t Racist

African-American Pastors Defending Jeff Sessions
A group of African-American pastors gathered at the Family Research Council’s Washington, D.C., headquarters to defend President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for attorney general, U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), who faces baseless allegations of racism and bigotry. (Video Screenshot Image)

On the eve of U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions’ confirmation hearing to be President-elect Donald Trump’s attorney general, a group of African-American pastors from all over the country gathered at the Family Research Council to defend the senator against baseless accusations of racism and bigotry.

The Rev. Dean Nelson, FRC’s African-American outreach director and chairman of the board of the Douglass Leadership Institute, opened the meeting with a brief prepared statement:

Americans are living in a toxic climate where the serious charge of racism is carelessly leveled against anyone with whom the left disagrees. We are here today to make it perfectly clear that these accusations against Senator Jeff Sessions are baseless.

Senator Jeff Sessions is not a bigot. His history in public services refutes that baseless allegation. From insisting on capital murder charges for the murderer of a black teenager to spearheading the honoring of the mother of the Civil Rights Movement, Rosa Parks, Senator Sessions has proven he is no bigot.

The group gathered in Washington, D.C., represented churches all over the U.S., as well as prominent pastors from Alabama. Among those on hand for the event were:

  • Bishop Harry Jackson, High Impact Leadership Coalition
  • Troy Towns, Rivers Edge Church (Montgomery, Alabama)
  • William Green, Fresh Anointing House of Worship (Montgomery, Alabama)
  • Bishop Jim Low, Guiding Light Church (Birmingham, Alabama)
  • Ralph Chittams Sr., Frederick Douglass Foundation
  • William Merritt, Secretary of North Carolina SCLC.

“Sessions helped desegregate schools in Alabama—a huge issue. Also, he got the death penalty for a KKK murderer,” Bishop Harry Jackson said. “I think that would qualify you as someone who is eliminating racism, not one who is perpetrating racism.”

Source:Black Pastors: Jeff Sessions Isn’t Racist by Bob Eschliman; 1/10/2017

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